MusicEd – The Musical Classroom


Music4Kids (Music for Kids)

Price: <5€

Music for Kids is a simple and nicely designed app for children of the age group 4+, but it can also be useful for introducing the basics of notation to older kids. The interface is simple, yet offers a couple of customisation options and parental control to prevent children from accessing the AppStore. You can switch between 11 interface languages.

The app’s structure invites to explore music notation in 3 main ways:

  • Make a Tune lets you choose one of 5 game-like environments, planets inhabited by different kinds of animals. On each of the planets you can then compose your own melody using simple notation tools, play it back, save and make changes to it.
  • Challenges offer another way to explore the 5 planets and entering each of the spaces is accompanied by interesting environmental sounds. On each planet, you can choose between 28 challenges: after listening to a melody and watching it being played back from the given score, you will be asked to write it down from what you have memorized.
  • My Tunes offers access to user created melodies, but also a couple of famous classical compositions that can be played back and then edited.

All music created within the app can be easily saved and modified later on.

Final thoughts:

The app is simple, and easy to use both for the teacher and even very young children. It also offers a wide field for experimenting and creativity.

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